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Giff us a chance FFS!

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Re: Gif us a chance FFS!

hehe cheers guys!
Its a very simple stop motion trick i learnt in college a few years ago. You just get somebody to take a picture of you jumping, move a bit and take another - when you play it back it gives a really quirky levitating effect!

I had to put the iso right up and open up the iris full in order to get the fastest shutter speed possible due to low lighting.

On the second one I had to reduce the colours to 16 becuase the 256 colour version came to nearly 7mb in size! :)

Ahh! That's a lot of jumping lol!



28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Re: Gif us a chance FFS!



A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
Re: Gif us a chance FFS!

It's orange now. :p:

The green colour didn't last too long unfortunately, faded to yellow pretty quickly. But I have a different green hair dye now, so there might well be a return to green hair soon-ish. :thumb

good stuff!


Lets find out!
Re: Gif us a chance FFS!

These are pretty cool, any quick tips/ help on how to do these. Can do time lapse, flip books etc but these things confuse me! Doesnt take a lot :banghead

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