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Report - - Hayworth House, Chertsey - June 2019 | Asylums and Hospitals | Page 2 |

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Josh Price Visuls

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
So...I decided to return yesterday, found 6 kids in masks and hoods bats and spades..they have completely smashed the building to shit, doors inside have been smashed, windows smashed and the ball hanging lights have all been smashed, the building is a mess now and stinks of crap. Then they moved onto the other building around the back...such a shame,
Oh what.. it was such a good place to have a chill explore.. what a joke.. is it totally trashed that it’s not worth visiting??


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
So...I decided to return yesterday, found 6 kids in masks and hoods bats and spades..they have completely smashed the building to shit, doors inside have been smashed, windows smashed and the ball hanging lights have all been smashed, the building is a mess now and stinks of crap. Then they moved onto the other building around the back...such a shame,

Did you not think to get out of there and report youths smashing up a building inside what is still an active hospital site to the police?

The Explorer Returns

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Did you not think to get out of there and report youths smashing up a building inside what is still an active hospital site to the police?
No, I wasn’t getting involved because the damage was already done and I can’t be asked with being accused of it and being asked while I was there, I was on a tight schedule.. it wasn’t just that group that have done it, it’s been getting attacked for weeks now.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Returned here for the second time yesterday, it's all fenced off and there's like a police tripod hidden and it's not until you turn the corner and it's directly in front of you that you see it. If you get close it flashes from red, to blue and red. Can't find anything about these online, however, I did speak to a fellow explorer about this and he said you can just ignore them, they don't send signals. Would be a bit weird of them to not send signals in my opinion. Anyone know anything about these?

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