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Report - Pocock Brothers Padded Cell - Haslar Psychiatric Block - Nov 2014

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Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
I try to do that where ever possible but its not so easy to find the time when you have a new place you feel compelled to go and explore every week, because you have no faith that any one else will do it for you and you don't want to see it missed. I will happily explore with anyone once i know them and what they are capable of but im no going to invite someone new to go do something unknown, i need people i can trust to do new things as i never know what situation il find myself in and i dont want my collar felt because ive taken someone who cant climb the fence to escape or has snuck something in their bag when we get caught and gets me arrested. IF new people come along to the meets we regularly organize for them and talk to me and show real interest in exploring then chances are il make time for them. Theres plenty of witnesses to that on here.

As for your clocks when all the watch makers are dieing out because everyone just wants to buy a nice watch and no one wants to learn the trade of making them anymore i think you would start to feel similar.


Mr Muscle
28DL Full Member
At least what is being said here is out in the open, rather than the usual messages floating around behind the scenes.

Does the 'scene' need a general kick up the arse? Probably. But there again I avoided contact with it for long enough to know it's not the be all & end all so I certainly won't make that call. Is this the way to do that gentle arse kick? Depends on what people take from it. If it's seen as a gloating message, then no, it really isn't the right way to do it. If the message is seen as encouragement to go & research something new, whether it's a drain, crane, train, soggy derp or anything else, then fair play for putting it out there for people to read in a permanent(ish) way rather than a throwaway comment on chat etc.

Not everyone has the time nor inclination to spend hours researching their next target beyond seeing it online & looking on a map where it is, & that's fine. Everyone enjoys this hobby in a different way & there's no right or wrong in it. It would be nice to see a break from the shopping list explores though, especially from people who are capable of doing new stuff. You can almost tell some people are there simply to photograph what has already been seen before & try to make it look better & maybe, as in this case, just a little bit of research may have opened another part of a site not seen before. It's physically impossible in some places, but in others there's definitely more to see. By more to see I don't mean the red dress from 'Red Dress Manor' or whatever it was called, in 20 different shades of red due to white balance differences between the reports that go up :p:

I know Speed helps people out & is one of the most enthusiastic & knowledgeable guys out there so I personally hope people see it as more of an encouragement to go out & research some new stuff than simply a negative rant about things.

The Kwan

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Sounds like tough love to me, but you really need to realise that not everyone has the same aspirations or interests in this hobby,think about that, some are in it for the photography, some for the history and some for the glory but you seem hell bent on comparing everyone to yourself, revel in your glory mate but also realise that not everyone on this forum is inspired by reading stuff like this, and after this thread has slipped back to page 3 or 4 in the rankings, the impression of self congratulatory back slapping will still remain and ultimately do more harm than good.
Best just resign yourself to the fact that we are all different and you will probably be better for it, and if your post was meant to be a kick up the arse, then in my opinion you missed and hit the nutsack :)


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Kwan you just miss the point entirely I think.
You keep telling me what I already know
Theres no glory hunting here, clebby found the cell not me.
Its not about an elite of explorers vs people who just do it casually

It's about everyone contributing and supporting the community at all levels. Don't confuse my my abrasive approach with elitism either its just the best way to make people sit up and take note!


Sore Knee
Regular User
Thought I'd say something about the politics. But then decided stuff that and simply say they are great photos of a great find.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I've been exploring for about 4 years and there are a few places I've been to several times, a few places I've been the first to get into, and some well traveled places I've visited. I don't post much at all, but I regularly check the forums to see if there's anything new around me, but I know 3 or 4 places that no one's managed around here. I know that I can't find any access to these new places, however. To some extent people need to follow the tourist trails and learn from that. It seems ridiculous to expect everyone in the scene to go out and explore these amazing new places that no one's seen before. If you want to explore in a reasonably safe way, then you need to start simple. Find the places that you can have a decent idea about for 20 different reports. As has been said, any photos taken will be the same photos that have been posted 20 times, but that's an inevitability.
I for one, and I imagine it's the same for others, simply don't have the time to conduct extensive research on new and exciting explores. I know that realistically the only way I'm getting into any of the places I've got my eye on is if someone else out there who is frankly 'better' than I am gets in and is kind enough to share some insight into how it's possible. It's impossible to learn what you're doing without to some extent being a sheep.


big in japan
Regular User
Also can mods stop deleting posts from this thread. Either close it and delete all posts or leave them all. I don't take part in one sided discussions.

Yeah, I know you lot like to tidy up and weed out the moany nob heads, but its these sorts of things that actually end up stimulating interesting debate. With the amount of time some of us spend thinking and engaging with whatever this passtime is, I always really like it when people with a bit of weight behind them step in and tell it how they feel it is. That massive london can-openers vs the masses 50 page argument post from 2011 (I think) was one of the best 'state of the scene' documents that existed anywhere and it was just deleted, now all we have is 'Explore Everything', which is obviously a little one sided'. We all crack on about how we, as explorers have a responsibility in documenting all these man made structures, but no one talks about documenting the scene, which from my perspective is just as important, and as interesting.

The Kwan

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Kwan you just miss the point entirely I think.
You keep telling me what I already know
Theres no glory hunting here, clebby found the cell not me.
Its not about an elite of explorers vs people who just do it casually

It's about everyone contributing and supporting the community at all levels. Don't confuse my my abrasive approach with elitism either its just the best way to make people sit up and take note!

Well if this is about supporting the community at all levels, then I have missed the point, my heart sinks when I see such support being doled out.

EDIT, thanks for the thumbs down mate, I am out of this because I know when a 360° is coming and I aint for getting dizzy ;)


Staff member
I've purposely not tidied anything up here, but am aware comments have been removed mainly because they were wild accusations and nothing that supported any useful debate

It's always the lurkers that contribute piss all here who jump on the band wagon when something like this crops up


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
To be honest how does anyone know who has tried to find new areas in this place while touring the usual areas for the usual pics,not everyone would be open to explaining the ins and outs of what they couldn't find,i was unaware of the padded cell,to be honest after the mass bust occurring when i first went down here 3 or 4 years ago it was more the case of just getting round the place while not being bust and anything new along the way would have been a bonus,speed has a good point in general but maybe the way he put it across could have been slightly less in your face!The debate will rumble on no doubt


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I contribute piss all. Mainly because huddersfield isnt as epic as pocock cells and all that but nevertheless...

Surely this whole hobby is a creative expression? Usually based around photography. If someone wants to write some creative words in their own way to accompany this whats the deal?

Yes everyones in it for their own reasons, but at least its something new.


Staff member
Your missing my point I think Fudge in terms of non contributor, I'm talking about the minority that only come here to cause fuss and stir the piss pot when something like this comes along

Like has been said previously, 28 is the dog that everyone likes to kick, a sensible debate is one thing but ridiculous accusations and slanderous nonsense isn't, and hardly surprising that one of the other admins has chosen to remove many of the earlier comments


big in japan
Regular User
I contribute piss all. Mainly because huddersfield isnt as epic as pocock cells and all that but nevertheless...

Are you off your head? Some of the densest industrial and urban heritage of England is tied up in those mills, chimneys and 5 story rooftops. It's not about epic, it's about seeing new things and showing them to people who might be interested in them.

And don't tell tweek you said that, he'll deck you.


Mr Muscle
28DL Full Member
Go get blind drunk on cheap booze in the gasworks club then climb the gas holder. Epic fun in the wet that place :thumb

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