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Report - - Pocock Brothers Padded Cell - Haslar Psychiatric Block - Nov 2014 | Noteworthy Reports | Page 7 |

Report - Pocock Brothers Padded Cell - Haslar Psychiatric Block - Nov 2014

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Tawny Fawn

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Weren't there padded cells at Cane Hill? I'm sure I remember some there. Not much help now of course.

On a positive note, (as someone who has only joined this site but been exploring for years) it's really lovely to see lots of reports on lots of places (and copycat reports too) as it's really great to think there's lots of odd mints out there like me, who are equally as obsessed with dark dank historical beauties as I am!

Great photos!!!


A life backwards
28DL Full Member
Well, they are photos taken recently yes ... but it's not that long ago when those cells were in use. In some parts of the world they are still in use ...

Padded cells can be found in the majority of every medium or high security psychiatric unit in the country. They are used of course for patient safety when drugs alone do not work, and only used for a limited period for the patient to calm down.
Obviously you have great knowledge on the subject, so I stand to be corrected.

Oxygen Thief

Staff member
Weren't there padded cells at Cane Hill? I'm sure I remember some there. Not much help now of course.

On a positive note, (as someone who has only joined this site but been exploring for years) it's really lovely to see lots of reports on lots of places (and copycat reports too) as it's really great to think there's lots of odd mints out there like me, who are equally as obsessed with dark dank historical beauties as I am!

Great photos!!!

Never knew of any, but they would definitely have been some there at some point.


Crusty Juggler
Staff member
Don't think there were any left in situ at CH when it closed but you could visit wards and see where they existed.

Quite a lot of asylums I visited you could always tell where the padded cell was - the smaller window and double door frame still tended to exist. In midwales for example you could also still see the original door fixing of this one


The one on the male side bizarre had a door on the side rather than the end, so maybe a different design to the Pocock.

Always recall there was another room at west park where you could evidently see the markings of the padded cell on the wall


Other signs include looking from outside - was just working on some photos of St Cadocs and you can see smaller windows on the end of this ward. Could well of been padded cells at some point in them.

Skeleton key

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
You’ve done some cracking locations in your time and take my hat off.
It’s a padded cell that all in the game knew existed and was padlocked and screwed tight.
Great to see at last and whilst agree with many of your comments youre agenda is clear :eek:
whoop whoop lol
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Staff member
the fucking padded cell that's been sitting there all along just waiting for a REAL EXPLORER to open the fucking unlocked window and have a look whats inside the 'quite intriguingly named on every fire map in the place Psychiatric Block'.....

As so many of us don't do anything properly, is this what a 'REAL EXPLORER' should look like just out of interest?



Mr Muscle
28DL Full Member
He's close, but only because he isn't carrying a camera & obviously isn't after an internet vanity wank :thumb

professor frink

Reppin Bumbaclaat
28DL Full Member
Always recall there was another room at west park where you could evidently see the markings of the padded cell on the wall


Almost certain from looking at the old plans that the majority of wards at WP had padded cells originally.

Certain rooms had double door frames, lower floors due to the pads being removed, small high windows, one sided locks and other features similar to the one that was left.

I guess over the years advanced techniques like drugs and therapy led to their demise.

Good to see another padded cell, the Pocock plate is a collectors dream but about as sellable as a stolen Mona Lisa.

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