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Question - - So, turns out the place wasn't actually abandoned. You ever done that? | Other Sites | Page 2 |

Question - So, turns out the place wasn't actually abandoned. You ever done that?

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Also they cause a lot of drama. Like certain people rushing to the papers to sell it. And people looting. And then family or neighbours getting involved.

That house that was some eccentric guy in Huddersfield. Wurzel? That bearded reality explored his house only a MONTH after the guy died. People wanted me to do it as I flat out refused.

This said. I’ve nothing against people exploring a residential as they’re quite the curious explores so I can understand the intrigue. Each to their own.

I started to scope out a scrapper of a place two years ago. But the tv was on! So I slowly backed away and left.

Totally agree. It's clear why the Facebook and YouTube people are doing it. But I don't get how newspapers are getting away with posting the house details and saying it's abandoned. That's surely encouraging crime???


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
I'm not missing the point. I told you exactly what to do about your issue.. stop going places like that!

Stick to proper exploring. Documenting historically segnificant places and going and seeing things 'normal people" just never get to see. That's what it's all about. Rummaging around old houses is for treasure hunters not urban explorers.

Youre taking my comment more personally than it was inteneded. I'm kind of glad you're willing to change your ways maybe?? But at the moment the description you give puts you firmly in the cunt club I'm afraid. You obviously realize that as your applying my generic comments to yourself! I didn't say you or your daughter was a cunt specifically I said people exploring old houses were cunts. Thays not the same statement. Don't take it to hard tho. Your not alone! Nowadays this site has a resident cunt club and even a dedicated section they can share thier cunty activities.. (what's going on with that OJ??)

I can see why people struggle to see the wood for the trees on the issue. The lines blurr between exploring an empty stately home no one's lived in for 5 decades and is very historically significant and exploring old farm houses to sniff 2 week old dead granny knickers.. There's a point there somewhere where things get unacceptable. No one knows exactly where it is but clearly what you are doing is miles past it.. Surely you can see that? Why do you need to go photograph that place to start with? Why do you need to put those photos online? (Hint.. there's no real reason) Why didn't you just think 'Humm this could well be someone house I'm about to try and walk into' I might upset someone. Might be a very scared old person hiding in there from you fearing for thier life.. Why don't I just go explore a factory insted.... you prefer those.. All good things to be considering.

We also have a non public section for sharing explores a bit more discreetly. If you drop the old house hassling you might be granted access too it one day.
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Nowadays this site has a resident cunt club and even a dedicated section they can share thier cunty activities.. (what's going on with that OJ??)

So you're angry about a lot of things and at a lot of people.

We also have a non public section for sharing explores a bit more discreetly. If you drop the old house hassling you might be granted access too it one day.

Really? You're in charge of that and decide who's a cunt and who's not? That's a pity. Angry people typing in their bedroom while their mum brings them tea and a biscuit (making sure to knock in case your masturbating .... again) and accusing others of activities they probably do - aren't the type of people I'd like to share the more sensitive explores with. I'll continue to keep those to the urbexers I know. So you can keep your private members club if you're someone they trust.

Youre taking my comment more personally than it was inteneded

I said my daughter likes old houses. You immediately posted that people who like old houses are cunts. So I'm not sure who wouldn't take that personally. But certainly I'll be happy to ignore any further posts by you. On any of my threads. Coz you seem to have a bit ofa viral rant problem.


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
I'm not sure why you think I'm so angry.. it is a little frustrating how crappy the UE world is nowadays yes but im not particularly angry. I'm just answering your questions and pointing out where you're going wrong (as requested)

Also like I pointed out, I too love rummaging round old places looking for treasure just like your daughter. Nothing wrong with that. In fact i encourage it. The problems start to come when your rummaging people's places of residence that aren't abandoned. (Which all stems from the shitty state of the UE world which is encouraging people to go rummage round peoples personal properties that arnt abandoned!)

Also you will be glad to know I'm not 'in charge' of much here. Hence why the forum still has a residential section and doesn't exactly follow my outlook on this subject to the letter. I do however know house reports won't get you very far. In fact last I was told people weren't allowed to post house reports again!? You should probably be looking at it more from the perspective of what you're missing out on not being part of 28days proper than what we're missing out on by not being part of youre personal 'group'


Chillin at the structure
Regular User
@Nyrian to cut a long story short and to save you some time - and I mean this totally amicably - I think you may find the forum more to your taste. It is more accommodating to residential category stuff (or so I am led to believe, I have heard BikinGlynn is a moderator?) The vast majority of regular users on this forum really have their head elsewhere from this kind of content and are interested in seeing a different kind of quote unquote urban exploring. As has been said, I’m afraid simply nobody bar perhaps the odd few in the non public section of the forum want to be associated with the type of activity whereby people go to rundown old houses that may or may not still have inhabitants - whether they shout about it on Facebook or keep it lower key. No skin of my nose if your family enjoy it, but unfortunately most daily browsers on 28 are focused on other styles of recreational trespass


@Nyrian to cut a long story short and to save you some time - and I mean this totally amicably - I think you may find the forum more to your taste. It is more accommodating to residential category stuff (or so I am led to believe, I have heard BikinGlynn is a moderator?) The vast majority of regular users on this forum really have their head elsewhere from this kind of content and are interested in seeing a different kind of quote unquote urban exploring. As has been said, I’m afraid simply nobody bar perhaps the odd few in the non public section of the forum want to be associated with the type of activity whereby people go to rundown old houses that may or may not still have inhabitants - whether they shout about it on Facebook or keep it lower key. No skin of my nose if your family enjoy it, but unfortunately most daily browsers on 28 are focused on other styles of recreational trespass
For crying out loud. I didn't go to a house!!!! Why are you talking about residential exploring as well? Did you just read Speed's rants and decide you needed to get something off your chest too?

I went to an abandoned group of outbuildings and someone was living there. Look at the photos I posted. There's no house! I asked for tips HOW TO AVOID THAT and all I've got is everyone with a grudge against house exploring venting. I created a thread about making sure a place is totally abandoned in order to avoid upsetting people and have been accused of being a Facebook/Youtube troll that enjoys upsetting people. The word 'cunt' has been used a dozen times on a thread where I've asked for tips on how to make sure a location (industrial, office, OR house) is definitely abandoned. Seriously?

The topic of whether my daughter likes old houses has totally got washed over by the rants of Speed. What he said me and my daughter do is NOT what we do and the description of residential exploring you've just given is NOT what we do either. There is no chance anyone is living at any of the houses we go to. Absolutely zero. If we do a residential location its one that has been abandoned for many years and recommended to us by other urbexers we trust. We're not crawling through the obituaries looking for the next hit.

That's why this place was a total shock. It wasn't a house, it looked abandoned, but someone was there. Go create your own thread about 'I hate residential explorers' and complain about them there. This was meant to be the total opposite goal. Helping people make sure there is zero chance of making a mistake.


A peach, a nice welcoming peach
Speed is Mr Grumpy. It should be each to their own. I prefer this than that. You prefer that than this. But don’t need to belittle people.

Nyrian - just take note of the useful hints and tips some have given, rather than peoples imposed opinions you didn’t ask for.

And “not missing out on being part of 28dl” rather than personal group? I’d rather hang out with my friends and family exploring than being part of a regime.
(probably gonna get banned now)


Looks kinda like a farmstead to me idk let me get my glasses
Great. That's useful. Tell me about how to tell the difference between an outbuilding that might be a house and one that's not if you know please. Because I'm from scotland and i've lived in the courty for 35 years before moving down here and the farmers around every house I lived in had a house, and outbuildings - normally a distance away from the house. They didn't live in the outbuildings. So any information about that would be helpful. I don't want to go into farmer's houses and specifically asked people to look at what I did and tell me where I went wrong. We were in the area, nothing else nearby and I spotted that on the sattelite image. Looked like worth having a gander and it went wrong. I don't want that to happen again. It's happened on a factory where the roof was half fallen in and the council were still using it to store vehicles. That's the only other time we've gone to something that looked abandoned but still in use.

Edit: Actually, there was normally two or three houses set aside from the farm/outbuildings as the farmer's kids often ended up marrying and building a house right next door to their parents to continue working on the farm. It was a little strange.
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Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
OK clam down a bit. I see a bit better what you mean.

When I say house I'm basically referring to places that are privately owned and are of no segnificant interest to explore. That includes houses, farms, small workshops, groups of outbuildings however you want to put it. You may enjoy exploring them but that doesnt mean they need 'urban exploring' in the greater sense of the word. Houses are just houses. There's millions of them. Most are the same. Its got to be a pretty speical house to be of any segnificance and hence worth photographing and publishing online. The world doesnt need an encyclopedia of what every house/farmyard etc etc looks like. The negitives of putting that kind of thing out there far outweighs the positives. The place you have there is clearly somones house now.. maybe it was originally a farm by the look of it? Its got clear signs of being lived in too if theres bins out. Sounds like it's clearly one of those places you should give a wide birth. We're all going to forgive people that stumble into those situations, it happens, but I don't forgive people who are out there looking for that exact kind of place day in day out which looking at your previous posts I can tell there's a good chance you are.

The way i always think of it you want to be avoiding A. a place where your invading someones personal property and B. A place there's no reason to explore other than for your own gratification. If you drop A or B it's not ideal but it becomes alot more acceptable. If both are true there's no real justification for it as far as I can see.

On the other hand if you explore factories, hospitals etc etc etc. There's a slim chance you may bump into someone living there but they will be either homeless or live in security. The former it's nice to avoid and give space if possible but if you run into them it can't be helped. They have no more right to be there than you do. Security are just doing a job, they signed up for it. The fact that you're there for a greater purpose trumps most concerns anyway. Documenting old factories and hospitals etc etc. is extremely valuable to society which is how we've always justify our trespassing. With proper exploring there's a point to it greater than our own enjoyment.


but I don't forgive people who are out there looking for that exact kind of place day in day out which looking at your previous posts I can tell there's a good chance you are

Speed you're a troll just trolling at this point. My 14 reports include a foundry, hotel, paper mill, factories, bus graveyard, care homes, hospitals, etc. - and ONE burnt out house we found interesting. You've no idea who we are or what we explore. You're just an angry person looking to wind up other people. Sod off.
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