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Question - - So, turns out the place wasn't actually abandoned. You ever done that? | Other Sites | Page 3 |

Question - So, turns out the place wasn't actually abandoned. You ever done that?

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I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Well this has been a lively discussion.

The trouble is nowadays, small residential houses are a poisoned chalice because so many people who simply follow the herd to the latest tourbus hotspots do them, and you have dickheads like Bearded Reality etc doing what they do giving those sort of places a huge amount of publicity, looking at many of the umbex groups on Facebook you'd be forgiven for believing that the only things there are to explore in this country are houses.

As I said before honestly the best way to avoid that kind of situation is to not put yourself in that potential situation in the first place - you've done a variety of things that much is evident, so keep doing what you're doing and try not to take things said on here to heart too much. If you do want to explore somewhere like that, but you're unsure, the best thing you can do is simply walk away from it.


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Your previous report is from a house/farm and here you are looking at another house /farm. I'm only putting 2 and 2 together. You clearly go looking for houses and farms!?

I'm not the angry one here im afraid. I'm just answering your questions.


Well this has been a lively discussion.

The trouble is nowadays, small residential houses are a poisoned chalice because so many people who simply follow the herd to the latest tourbus hotspots do them, and you have dickheads like Bearded Reality etc doing what they do giving those sort of places a huge amount of publicity, looking at many of the umbex groups on Facebook you'd be forgiven for believing that the only things there are to explore in this country are houses.

As I said before honestly the best way to avoid that kind of situation is to not put yourself in that potential situation in the first place - you've done a variety of things that much is evident, so keep doing what you're doing and try not to take things said on here to heart too much. If you do want to explore somewhere like that, but you're unsure, the best thing you can do is simply walk away from it.
Aye. The bulk of what we do is factories as i'm the one driving and that's what i like. But we both like the hospitals and care homes a lot. Like I tried to say in previous posts - we don't do people's homes as such and wouldn't be interested at all in a house that was newly vacated or modern. We've only ever done one of those and that was because the fire damage looked interesting and therefore it definitely would have no-one living there. But this one didn't look like a home to me. Someone has since mentioned that it might be common for farmers to live in the outbuildings round here which I didn't know. Farmers live very separate from their outbuildings up where I'm from in the sparse north east of scotland. Those kinds of tips and the stuff about checking inside bins etc. were really helpful. But totally agree - avoiding a place that could be lived in is the best start. But this one we really had no idea. Total surprise to see a kitchen and someone in it in that building.


Professional Twat
28DL Full Member
A real pity to see such slanging matches on 28DL - the site is and should be above that - I'm not trying to side with anyone just making an observation. Now I have to write an obituary for a friend who died at the weekend - not the best of days
Wouldn’t expect this sort of conversation on an exploration forum not gonna lie, sort of hoped for better but hey can’t expect a lot

Sorry to hear about your mate, god rest their soul


A real pity to see such slanging matches on 28DL - the site is and should be above that - I'm not trying to side with anyone just making an observation. Now I have to write an obituary for a friend who died at the weekend - not the best of days
It's quite frustrating how some typed anger can affect your real life mood and distract your thoughts. Best of luck finding the words. You can't do worse than the one they just gave my grandad. Vicar got his middle name wrong, his place of birth, and the name of the company he built.


Staff member
I’m not deleting this thread just yet despite the two reported posts from OP.

I will though soon enough but please accept people are entitled to an opinion.

When I get to a pc after I’m going to fully suspend this section as it’s a pain in the arse at best!

It’s been said before, but frankly these soggy houses and farms aren’t really proper exploring, yes they are popular with this new wave of ‘explorers’ but come on it’s just low hanging fruit and of no historic interest, simple as.

I’ll decide what I’m doing with it next year now, in the meantime it’s going to be closed.


I reported my own first post as one and asked you delete the thread (even though I started it) because it had gone way off topic and was just rants about what some people think 'residential explore' means - i.e. the "soggy houses and farms" which Ojay has just for some reason gone and repeated.

Again, I started this asking about how to make sure any place is abandoned. Nothing about finding houses or how to break into were people live! Turned out someone was living in a place we thought was an abandoned workshed. Speed then started ranting about people that break into houses and awful Youtubers etc. etc. etc. and now even the Admin thinks this is a thread promoting "soggy houses and farms". It wasn't.

Also, Speed stating all people that like old houses are cunts after I just posted my daughter loves old houses. That's beyond 'opinions'. That's just being a dick. That's your core membership you're defending?


28DL Regular User
Regular User
..and to think some daft cunts have even gone back to the scene of his crime when he's only living up the road.
I am not far from his. And sadly I know many people have been. He has even come across them. Not sure I would be comfortable with that situation.


Staff member
It’s not just this, the entire section and everything it stands for has become a laughing stock as far as exploring is concerned in recent years.

People can save it for the shitty Facebook groups (there are many). It’s not something we need to be associated with. If someone has something of merit it can go in the ‘other’ section for now, and rest assured I’ll be keeping a close eye on that.

Enough is enough now with these soggy houses.


I am not far from his. And sadly I know many people have been. He has even come across them. Not sure I would be comfortable with that situation.
Ojay, we're not in the residential forum! That's how far this has been derailed. I'm asking a question about researching abandoned places in the Other Sites section and youre joining in the rant about 'soggy houses' and saying this section should be deleted. This is ridiculous. Everyone wants to jump in with a rant (sorry, 'opinion') by guessing what a thread is about instead of actually reading it.

Screw this. A bunch of people that think they're urbexing Moses with 10 commandments of what people should like. I absolutely cannot understand people that like culverts and drains. The 2 or 3 photos people post in those reports look boring and pointless. But at no point have I gone into the culvert section and called them all 'cunts' and said the section should be shut down just because i don't like them. What the hell happened? When did this forum become only about what a few people running the boards like?


And stop saying 'soggy houses' as if anyone in here has said they are a good thing Ojay!! Everyone in here agrees people shouldn't post soggy houses. No-one has said we should. The thread wasn't about that. Everyone already agrees with you. Absolutely zero .... oh, forget it. You're not going to read this either ....


Staff member
Yes I’ve ‘joined in’ brought it up as it’s been discussed and frankly I’m sick of it rearing it’s head every few months.

I pay the bills, you’ll find I can do what i like! I don’t though as a rule, I isten to peoples views and suggestions, however this whole discussion of residential sites has become a right clusterfuck in recent years I’m putting my boot down once and for all with it.

As for the rest of the discussions, people have an opinion and I don’t have the time to wade through it all and will clean the lot of it up within the next 24 hours when I get to a pc and crack on with some admin jobs.


Staff member
Also, Speed stating all people that like old houses are cunts after I just posted my daughter loves old houses. That's beyond 'opinions'. That's just being a dick. That's your core membership you're defending?

So, I waded through it all at my own peril :rofl

Here's my final say on the matter....

You might want to take heed that @Speed was merely answering your questions in his frank manner. He can be opinionated I know but annoyingly most of the time he's right.

Agreed the 'C' word was probably a bit harsh, but he was aiming it at a collective rather than you or yer daughter! It's his opinion and I have to allow that and tbh I somewhat agree with his sentiment.

You might also want to check out some of @Speed back catalogue (and others) who have commented here myself included before berating. You'll find some of the best documented legacy 'exploring' not seen anywhere else (fact) and none of it is Rightmove urbex and trying to re-invent the UE wheel ffs!

I understand your initial thread was something else, however it escalated to this frustrating topic of "soggy houses" AGAIN!

My intervention was to purely address said conversation as quite frankly it's given me the excuse I've been looking for now for some time to bin that section of the forum off.

If you look back through however, you will find some decent stately homes, and other such sites with historical interest and merit, Mrs Browns knicker drawer certainly isn't!

You've posted some decent bits yourself and have also stated your interest in other genres. My recent reply to your last message was abrupt, however I make no apologies for that, as being subject to bombardment whilst trying to do some work over some trivial internet nonsense is nothing short of ridiculous.

You're more than welcome here, but please understand we're not some shitty abandoned Facebook group either.

@Olkka summed it up well with this:
The vast majority of regular users on this forum really have their head elsewhere from this kind of content and are interested in seeing a different kind of quote unquote urban exploring.

You also need to consider the general running of this site is based on general opinion, commentary, feedback from regular users and common sense. 28DL is a collective and a solid one IMO, we don't always get it right, however we do listen!

The site doesn't pay for itself. The day to day running of it by our dedicated admin/mod team isn't a full time job either, we have lives outside of this silly hobby!

Now with the greatest of respect, no offence as none of this has been personal so probably best to just crack on or bugger off accordingly..

I've closed the Residential section for now as previously stated and we'll discuss it's future/fate sometime in the New Year.

In the meantime, have a good Xmas everyone and stay safe :thumb

(I've also re-opened this thread for valid commentary only).... Oh yeah, good luck to anyone Trespassing near Tony Martin's gaff :hmm :popcorn
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