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Question - So, turns out the place wasn't actually abandoned. You ever done that?

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Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
You can tell people haven't been on here for long when they act surprised theres an 'urbex slanging match' going on.. There used to be one of those ongoing at all times back in the good old days.. Its part of what made this site so great! A million miles away from the censored 'nice comments only' social media bullshit we have to put up with nowadays.

Also @Nyrian, general forum tip here but please realise just because you started the thread doesn't mean you get to control what people talk about in the thread. Often things go off on tangents, not everything being said here is in direct relation to your original question, other people have expressed opinions and people have commented regarding those rather than regarding your original dilemma. Not everything people say in the thread is addressing yourself directly. At the end of the day you nearly accidently walked into some guys house. May not have looked exactly like a house but it was his house. You got your advice about it. essentially stay away from places that are likely to be peoples houses.. Unsurprisingly now we're having a discussion about the rights and wrongs of exploring houses off the back of it, Ojays waded in, deleted some stuff. Standard night on 28days, embrace it..


A peach, a nice welcoming peach
I tagged along to a house with mates last night. Currently on the tour bus. It reminded me why I don’t do them.

As I wasn’t expecting to go here but we didn’t want a wasted journey after two fails, so I didn’t research it personally. At the end I took pics of the cars and reg checked them. One went out at 2021. Even tho it looks like it’s been left longer, it probably has been empty since 2020/21. Which means that they could’ve died and it’s in probate or the elderly folk that lived here who are still alive could be in a care home. Morally this didn’t sit right with me. As I think it’s going to be a case like the brass house where family members pipe up at some point. When it comes to residentials I think, for me, it needs to be left like 5 years.

So reg check any cars if there is any, as that can help your moral compass.


A peach, a nice welcoming peach
Oh and food for thought for those that come across rude and abrupt… I’ve said it before and I’m saying it again… maybe if everyone showed more respect over the years of 28DL then it would have delayed everyone going on social media to post their explores, or at least reigned it in a bit. Being welcoming and respectful would’ve made 28dl the place to be.

So many newbie have been scared off that could bring quality explores to this site. Then those newbies tell others that they didn’t get a warm welcome and so they don’t sign up. And then some that get made to feel personally attacked on here leave and go elsewhere. And tell others of their negative experience.

Is it any wonder why people think some folk here are on their high horse even tho they have lose morals?

These rude and abrupt people don’t realise that they are affecting the way that urbex is going, along with other factors.

You don’t have to understand or agree with something to be respectful. And also, how long has the internet been around and people still don’t understand that tonality they give can’t always be received in the way intended?! Being respectful cost no time or effort. Unless you’re incapable of that. Also being rude or disrespectful means more work for the moderators need to come in at a heated thread. So think of them if nothing else.

I hope this counts as valid feedback because that’s what I’m doing. Giving food for thought.


Staff member
Who's the CUNT now eh ?

Got this lovely little threat today from this clown!

He's going to piss off someone you don't want pissed off. Then you'll have bigger costs problems as your ad revenue suddenly takes a hit. Those are Google ads, right? The ones a couple of bad flags gets you banned from displaying? I know because I was a consultant for them for 10 years but even I couldn't help my brothers site get unbanned after he was targeted by a disgruntled employee. So yes, I'm off. I quit Facebook to avoid people like Speed. If he's the person you're trying to impress and keep on the site then fuck it. Its only going to get worse. Take care. I know running a site like this must be a headache. But I don't understand why you encourage Speed to mess with people. That's surely just going to cause more headaches down the line.

Just so everyone knows what an absolute shit house you are. cya!

Oxygen Thief

Staff member
Oh and food for thought for those that come across rude and abrupt… I’ve said it before and I’m saying it again… maybe if everyone showed more respect over the years of 28DL then it would have delayed everyone going on social media to post their explores, or at least reigned it in a bit. Being welcoming and respectful would’ve made 28dl the place to be.

So many newbie have been scared off that could bring quality explores to this site. Then those newbies tell others that they didn’t get a warm welcome and so they don’t sign up. And then some that get made to feel personally attacked on here leave and go elsewhere. And tell others of their negative experience.

Is it any wonder why people think some folk here are on their high horse even tho they have lose morals?

These rude and abrupt people don’t realise that they are affecting the way that urbex is going, along with other factors.

You don’t have to understand or agree with something to be respectful. And also, how long has the internet been around and people still don’t understand that tonality they give can’t always be received in the way intended?! Being respectful cost no time or effort. Unless you’re incapable of that. Also being rude or disrespectful means more work for the moderators need to come in at a heated thread. So think of them if nothing else.

I hope this counts as valid feedback because that’s what I’m doing. Giving food for thought.

I disagree with your opinion. Facebook killed forums, not lack of respect or any other virtue-signalling crap you can make up. FB affected literally every forum out there. Many closed outright, many just tick over. People are lazy and 'urbexers' don't like the exclusivity of posting in just a couple of places, when they could whore their 300 shit pictures of the latest tourbus derp to 50 groups in fewer clicks on facebook.

Now, if you post good stuff on forums, you build respect from your peers. Post bad stuff and you get told it's bad, sometimes bluntly. Unlike facebook where you literally cannot be critical or people start crying. If you want wrapping up in cotton wool, then that's fine, go there, enjoy your Alternate Reality / Virtual Reality where everyone is nice and kisses your ass for abysmal content.

This forum is not a one size fits all. It's not democratic at a user level. It literally is what it is. If you don't like it we're happy to say there is a choice.


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
This forum has been around for what feels like forever and has weathered many storms, other than UER which has been going since 2002 I can't think of another urbex forum still alive and kicking after so long, even with the dominance of social media in all walks of life nowadays. Forums like this are vital in the respect that it's an actual, indexable, searchable archive of photos unlike things like Facebook where posts get lost to the void after a week. That alone makes them a vastly superior tool than social media which nowadays is populated mainly by clout chasing teenagers and people obsessed with views and likes on their cookie cutter clone exploring with pages.

The people who come on here and then tell everyone how mean everyone is invariably have arrived like a bull in a china shop, posted something without reading the rules or posting guidelines and expect everyone to bend over backwards for them, then storm off in a huff when they get told - quite politely in a lot of cases - how things actually work around here.

Also it's fair to say a lot of the people who complain about people on here are bloody lucky they weren't around here in the early days when they would have probably needed therapy after ending up in the epic fail bin.


A peach, a nice welcoming peach
I disagree with your opinion. Facebook killed forums, not lack of respect or any other virtue-signalling crap you can make up. FB affected literally every forum out there. Many closed outright, many just tick over. People are lazy and 'urbexers' don't like the exclusivity of posting in just a couple of places, when they could whore their 300 shit pictures of the latest tourbus derp to 50 groups in fewer clicks on facebook.

Now, if you post good stuff on forums, you build respect from your peers. Post bad stuff and you get told it's bad, sometimes bluntly. Unlike facebook where you literally cannot be critical or people start crying. If you want wrapping up in cotton wool, then that's fine, go there, enjoy your Alternate Reality / Virtual Reality where everyone is nice and kisses your ass for abysmal content.

This forum is not a one size fits all. It's not democratic at a user level. It literally is what it is. If you don't like it we're happy to say there is a choice.

Well I said amongst other reasons, like what you’ve said about fb naturally killing off some things.

And you can’t call all explorers lazy. I’m sure climbing into some places they go to is far from lazy haha.

I totally get that this place is an index. But the people who say nice report but a few tweaks needed are good. People who just rip reports to shreds after someone’s bothered to contribute to the forum seems ungrateful - so they’ll take it elsewhere next time. And some people that just say read the rule are hardly helping building that rapport with people to encourage them to add to this index more. Even tho they may have been somewhere you haven’t, or went somewhere 10 years after you and can update on the craic.

People that are new at anything need guidance. You don’t bark down to a new starter at a job. Or if you do they’ll probably say thanks but no thanks, I’m off to be treated better elsewhere. And rightly so.

It has got better, as people have pointed out. But there’s still the grumpy old men about that say it’s my way or the high way. But you can’t say “if they stick around long enough they’ll get to know folk”. Dunno about you but if a stranger come to me and ranted that everyone’s a cunt then I’d slowly back away and move along!

But of course. No one on 28DL will put themselves in anyone else’s shoes and take any responsibility for people not bothering with here nor any feedback. Because of the “we don’t need them anyways” attitude as suggest by “if you don’t like it, there’s choices”. Well yes there is choices, so if you annoy people on here then don’t get annoyed when they post on fb.

28Dl is urbex and is the rule creators. And all mighty.

(Note: I don’t have a problem with it being an index and being a forum and vast majority of people here, I just know what it was like as a newbie, leaving me to lurk for years or preparing myself to wear a tin hat, and being made not feeling like I’d want to contribute. And not everyone will voice this but I will for them. Hopefully this won’t result in a ban for me, but if it does then it proves “outsiders” (like me)’s point.)


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
There's a a reason why this forums still here 17 or 18 years later and is still hands down the best exploring collective out there. Even after the onslaught of copy cat forums, social media, 28days haters and even people trying to full blown sabotage it its still the place where you will find the latest and best stuff. It endures because of the way its run. Its called having standards. Do you think in even a weeks time people will care that this quite frankly insane bellend got binned off? will anyone miss him?? Will anyone actually miss photos of shitty old houses with no location and no information?? I don't think i will. Bring me someone who can walk the walk and i might start caring about their shitty opinions. If you want to be a dickhead on here its fine (as im living proof) but you've got to earn it first.


A peach, a nice welcoming peach
So people are still gonna be treated like summit they trod in here. That’ll never change. Opposite of encouraging for outsiders. But ok.

Just know that there are people posting on social coz they’re not welcome here or don’t feel welcome here or have heard it’s not a welcoming environment. (I don’t do reports on socials as it makes it far too easy to find, but some people have copied the reporting style - or even the act of reporting and not just uploading pics - from this forum).

This is effectively a clique. And exclusive one. So already there’s a feeling of exclusion. And this is why people call some people from here “the elite”. Coz of the high horses the elite rides. Yet the ones on the highest horses probably are the ones with the loosest moral compass.

But if it’s like talking to a brick wall after several attempts of discussing feedback then I give up and won’t waste my effort trying to better the place. Oh well. I tried. I guess we can’t all be decent and empathetic.

But also. Urbex before this forum was underground. With the help of this forum, locations get out. That’s the hobby evolving. And anyone moaning about social media ruining the hobby, this about what the proper old skoolers would’ve thought to 28dl. Just just evolves. Near future will be able to come with you through the power of AI…. Everything changes but youuu.


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Outsiders get encouraged when outsiders bring something decent to the table! Were actually really accommodating to new people. I mean im here talking to you now aint i??

Look at yourself. You've put a few leads up, fine, its appreciated but there like 2 reports. One from a literal ruin and one from a decent place where you admit you went with one of the biggest publicity whoring bell ends thats ever graced this hobby. Then you admit you baited up security several times doing stupid stuff and then also proceeded to post as many photos of it as you could over all the Facebook groups... You couldn't be further away from the kind of explorer we want here so its unsurprising you experience a bit of a frosty reception. When you start trying to tell us the way we should run out community it a miracle your even still on here!


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
This place has to be a clique. Before the social media behemoths came to dominate the world the hobby, even on forums like this, twelve or so years ago, was still incredibly niche with a small but dedicated and close-knit userbase. Despite the forums like this and the other smaller ones that existed back then, the community itself was many orders of magnitude smaller than it is now thanks to the huge exposure it has got from things such as Youtube, Instagram, Facebook etc etc.

To many it may appear like an (excuse the pun) closed shop but there has to be, as Speed says, some standards to what gets posted on here to keep the forum interesting and different from seeing the same half a dozen or so places that get posted on social media every day. The people who are only in this hobby for fame and the same sort of quick fix dopamine hit they receive on social media when someone 'likes' one of their posts of badly shot, trashed, uninteresting ruin will find this isn't the place for them and if they bring that kind of attitude here are promptly told where to go.

There are plenty of young explorers who have discovered this forum and found a home here and done some pretty damn fantastic stuff, putting in far more of an effort than old farts like me nowadays, places you'll never see posted on Facebook groups for the likes.


Staff member
It beggars belief @Speed a few clicks and they have a shitty fb group full of the same old crap we don’t entertain here.

Wouldn’t mind it’s all practically the same cross posted soggy derps with no architectural merit or history.

Always good when nobody’s pipe up on here telling us how we should explore or run a forum.

I mean check the noteworthy section, you won’t see anything like that on those crappy exploring groups.

Half of that section is @Speed reports anyway, doesn’t that tell you he has a half a clue about stuff :rolleyes:

Anyway the residential section has been canned, we’ll pick the bones out of it at some point and shift anything worthy of keeping to the ‘other’ section.

In the meantime if you don’t like it here @Parysperspective why you still here ?

Bore off to Facebook to Like and subscribe to the sadness :coat
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