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Question - - So, turns out the place wasn't actually abandoned. You ever done that? | Other Sites | Page 7 |

Question - So, turns out the place wasn't actually abandoned. You ever done that?

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T-Rex Urbex
28DL Full Member
Allow me on my soapbox…first off yes I do houses sometimes but if it’s clear it’s been left a long time that’s fine but I’m wary when it looks newly abandoned. I would be a hypocrite if I said what im going to say, if I didn’t say about me exploring houses but give me an old hospital or RAF base or something else that is suitably decayed over a nans house.

The problem is the people going to all these houses don’t care about finding history they’ll say there is none or make it up “oh there was a murder here” crap. It’s literally for likes and views, for adoration from simpletons. All they are about is setting up a room, moving furniture around the place so they can get that shot and rummaging to see if there’s anything worthy of eBay. There’s one place recently that was packed away in boxes, I watched a vid and they left everything alone, if they did get anything out they put it back. Then someone went, unpacked the boxes, moved the furniture around to different rooms and left it set up. it was clear the place was being looked after, gardening equipment with wet grass in the kitchen and someone had been painting. then someone posted they’d gone and someone armed with a knife turned up so they had to leg it. More than likely the person had a knife for their safety after going there one day to collect the post or whatever and been mightily confused why a previously packed up house suddenly looked like someone was living there. Talk about baiting it out for a few likes on Instagram.

then you have those who discover someone living there despite the place falling down and they post a video of them discovering the poor person, what happened to that person’s privacy. “We called social services“ oh well done. Ffs, don’t even post it. WhAt are you thinking? Oh yeah, you’re thinking how many likes you can get.

and now I’ve said that I’ll probably explore some houses this weekend 😂
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Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
Exactly why I don't do houses

There was no need to stir this pot again.

If it looks like a house, smells like a house and sounds like a house it is a house.

No serious explorers do houses unless they are a stately home with a lot of history as a minimum.

Leave the panty sniffing to the youtubers.

The op had a valid question and to him it looked like somthing other than a residence, if many in this thread actually looked properly at his question and the details he provided they might see where the confusion was especially for someone new to the game.
The thread derailed, threats were made, people were fucked off end of story, move on.


One Life. Derp It.
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History-hunters uk
28DL Full Member
There was no need to stir this pot again.

If it looks like a house, smells like a house and sounds like a house it is a house.

No serious explorers do houses unless they are a stately home with a lot of history as a minimum.

Leave the panty sniffing to the youtubers.

The op had a valid question and to him it looked like somthing other than a residence, if many in this thread actually looked properly at his question and the details he provided they might see where the confusion was especially for someone new to the game.
The thread derailed, threats were made, people were fucked off end of story, move on.
Rarely see posts like this so I clicked it lol free country and all that ain't stiring no pot so shhhh your keyboard you didn't comment but ya did swings and roundabouts


One Life. Derp It.
Regular User
These are just in the space of a couple of months btw. Small selection of about 500 screenshots I could pick from that are equally as unreal

I honestly don't know how any of us on here can compete with him, might be time to pull the plug on the forum :rofl
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