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Question - - So, turns out the place wasn't actually abandoned. You ever done that? | Other Sites | Page 6 |

Question - So, turns out the place wasn't actually abandoned. You ever done that?

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Yer winning @Speed :rofl

See you in another 10 years m9ty ;)



28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I’m at a crossroads with exploring at the minute, it feels to me like exploring has changed a lot. It feels to me that if it’s not a house that’s got loads left nobody’s interested. When I do houses I never enjoy it, feel rushed with my camera, where as if I do a hotel or factory I feel more relaxed and enjoy the decay etc.
my mate I go with won’t. Come out unless it’s a supposedly time capsule. So end up either going on my own or not going at all. I went to do the one in Cheshire Christmas Eve with all the cars outside, it’s a bit of a hoarders house. Noticed the downstairs light was on, fresh tyre tracks and fresh chicken feed for the roosters. So I decided to leave it. Only to find several people done it since Christmas Eve. I don’t know houses just feel more edgy. There was one I done in Melton Mowbray too a bit of a hoarders house, told my friend about it, so he went only to be greeted by the owners son whilst upstairs.


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
I’m at a crossroads with exploring at the minute, it feels to me like exploring has changed a lot. It feels to me that if it’s not a house that’s got loads left nobody’s interested. When I do houses I never enjoy it, feel rushed with my camera, where as if I do a hotel or factory I feel more relaxed and enjoy the decay etc.
my mate I go with won’t. Come out unless it’s a supposedly time capsule. So end up either going on my own or not going at all. I went to do the one in Cheshire Christmas Eve with all the cars outside, it’s a bit of a hoarders house. Noticed the downstairs light was on, fresh tyre tracks and fresh chicken feed for the roosters. So I decided to leave it. Only to find several people done it since Christmas Eve. I don’t know houses just feel more edgy. There was one I done in Melton Mowbray too a bit of a hoarders house, told my friend about it, so he went only to be greeted by the owners son whilst upstairs.

There is an obsession mainly amongst the social media page YouTube goon explorers with 'time capsule houses' because it's what gets them loads of likes and views amongst the non exploring armchair explorers. There is a constant desperate race to find the most untouched 'time capsule' house which is - usually - somewhat morally questionable due to them not really being derelict or abandoned as such. They then become desperate to show it off on social media and make a big thing about telling everyone they will keep it secret whilst simultaneously giving it out to anyone who asks, like that place in Cheshire you mentioned which for some reason has become the number one tourbus spot recently although I can't work out why because it's just a soggy house. Then comes the inevitable crying about stuff going missing and how terrible it is despite it being their own fault for giving it to everyone.

It's a cycle that has repeated time and time again. Houses and pubs and the like which regularly appears on those sort of pages are the low hanging fruit of the exploring world, if people broadened their horizons a bit they'd find so much more and better things to do - but sadly in this day and age it's all about views and likes to them, so why would they stop doing the shitty places that garner them so much praise.


Regular User
I’m at a crossroads with exploring at the minute, it feels to me like exploring has changed a lot. It feels to me that if it’s not a house that’s got loads left nobody’s interested.

Do you go out for orther people or for yourself? I find it even more interesting now than I did nearly (cough) years ago despite there being 'less' to see.
I've a better undersatnding of how things fit together in society, the things that drive change and the realisation that 'history' isn't about memorising lists of spongers as my history teachers would have had me beleive.

I look at things because I'm interested and don't really care if anyone else is or not.
Sometimes I'll post things and sometimes get a response, sometimes no response. I hope a few people will enjoy the photos and subject but again, I won't lose sleep if they don't as I'll already have enjoyed my day out anyway.

I don't use (anti-)social media or goontube. I don't doubt there is some good genuine material out there but I don't want to wade through a fetid mire of carp to find it. Those platforms tend to poison the things that start off well.
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