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Question - - So, turns out the place wasn't actually abandoned. You ever done that? | Other Sites | Page 5 |

Question - So, turns out the place wasn't actually abandoned. You ever done that?

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Oxygen Thief

Staff member
won’t waste my effort trying to better the place.

Did anyone ask you to? Are you in a position to? Is anybody listening?


If people don't like this website, it's a shame, but they're probably not the sort of people we want posting anyway. There's a hundred whiny Facebook groups they can join, and a thousand 'exploring with' goons to follow.

I'd rather this forum had one decent report a month, than a hundred crappy ones.

And if you think this is any more than an early 'Friday drama thread for lolz' ie the tiniest ripple in the grand picture then you haven't been here long enough to understand the level of bullshit we have to put up with.

Bore off to Facebook to Like and subscribe to the sadness


28DL Regular User
Regular User
For a significant number of people posting on Social Media (FB, Insta and YouTube), it seems to be as much about them than the places they are exploring - the cult of personality - but on 28DL it's the location first - the history, the pictures etc. The quality of locations and photographic standards are so much higher on here than on FB et al.
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A peach, a nice welcoming peach
Outsiders get encouraged when outsiders bring something decent to the table! Were actually really accommodating to new people. I mean im here talking to you now aint i??

Look at yourself. You've put a few leads up, fine, its appreciated but there like 2 reports. One from a literal ruin and one from a decent place where you admit you went with one of the biggest publicity whoring bell ends thats ever graced this hobby. Then you admit you baited up security several times doing stupid stuff and then also proceeded to post as many photos of it as you could over all the Facebook groups... You couldn't be further away from the kind of explorer we want here so its unsurprising you experience a bit of a frosty reception. When you start trying to tell us the way we should run out community it a miracle your even still on here!
I’ve already explained the two reasons why I don’t really put reports up. And if one of my explores for 2014 gets called scrap from when I started out. Then it’s hilarious as it’s literally proved my point of outsiders not welcome and people being in their high horse. However thank you for you reply. I’m so honoured to have someone so special as you reply. I grovel at your urbex godly feet! Haha.

Also. About the guy I went with to the decent place. Do you actually know him? Do you know what he’s been thru to be the nice decent caring chap he is today? The fact he helps so many people with their mental health is more than you or I could ever do. He’s a good person and a laugh. But then because he doesn’t explore YOUR way than he’s a whore? Need I say more to back up what I’ve previously said? Too funny.

And ME trying to tell YOU how urbex works. Hypocrisy at its best.

Thanks for multiple laughs.


A peach, a nice welcoming peach
This place has to be a clique. Before the social media behemoths came to dominate the world the hobby, even on forums like this, twelve or so years ago, was still incredibly niche with a small but dedicated and close-knit userbase. Despite the forums like this and the other smaller ones that existed back then, the community itself was many orders of magnitude smaller than it is now thanks to the huge exposure it has got from things such as Youtube, Instagram, Facebook etc etc.

To many it may appear like an (excuse the pun) closed shop but there has to be, as Speed says, some standards to what gets posted on here to keep the forum interesting and different from seeing the same half a dozen or so places that get posted on social media every day. The people who are only in this hobby for fame and the same sort of quick fix dopamine hit they receive on social media when someone 'likes' one of their posts of badly shot, trashed, uninteresting ruin will find this isn't the place for them and if they bring that kind of attitude here are promptly told where to go.

There are plenty of young explorers who have discovered this forum and found a home here and done some pretty damn fantastic stuff, putting in far more of an effort than old farts like me nowadays, places you'll never see posted on Facebook groups for the likes.
See. This is how a discussion works. Well expressed, explained, and thought about. No toys thrown or anything. Point made well. Whether I agree or not. This is the kind of example that this forum can do more.

(And I know we’ve had our differences but fair is fair when things are well expressed)


A peach, a nice welcoming peach
In the meantime if you don’t like it here @Parysperspective why you still here ?

Bore off to Facebook to Like and subscribe to the sadness :coat

well my nice little community of followers, we have a laugh and get to know each other a bit. So I like it there.

Always good when nobody’s pipe up on here telling us how we should explore or run a forum.
Right back attacha. People can’t post anywhere but here, and people can’t do houses, and people who have more personality than maybe photography skills can’t make YouTube videos.

Half of that section is @Speed reports anyway, doesn’t that tell you he has a half a clue about stuff :rolleyes:

No one said he doesn’t have a clue. Just said be nicer.


Staff member
couldn't agree more, like a bunch of schoolkids lol
It is a funny read though.

Hang about these 2 were the ones that started the argument mate, have you bothered to read any of it?

I’m sure these 2 will be more than welcome with their soggy crap over on derp anyway, good luck!


Hang about these 2 were the ones that started the argument mate, have you bothered to read any of it?

I’m sure these 2 will be more than welcome with their soggy crap over on derp anyway, good luck!
As long as my comment was not influential in the decision to ban anyone - that was not my intention
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