Thought long and hard before weighing in on this debate, so here goes.
Lets deconstruct this a bit and ignore the silly issues like making money etc.
I've met you DL and the one thing you have against you is naivety because of your age and experience. This comes across in some of the comments you have made on this thread. Now what I would urge you to do is take a look at what you're doing, but not what you're doing immediately, think about what you might be doing in the next year 2 years 3 years etc. do you have any ambitions with your hobby or is this just a flash in the pan for you which you'll then move onto the next big thing after you've got bored?
The reason I ask this is for several reasons. One being if you have any ambition what-so-ever to pursue this hobby to a different level, what you're doing now will do you no favours. You will get shunned by a large proportion of the community that have been doing this sort of thing for years because generally speaking we don't like hordes of attention, it only leads to bad things happening which has been proven time and time again. This probably doesn't affect you much now, but what if you wanted to travel to somewhere else than London to do your stuff, you'd need to network and that is always easier when you're part of something rather than being the outsider.
The second thing to consider is drawing a large amount of attention to what you're doing (bearing in mind the hobby skirts round the edge of the law) is not necessarily a good idea. Think Matthew Adams and criminal behaviour orders and you kinda get what I'm saying - this could well happen to you if you're not careful because, quite frankly, you're embarrassing the authorities and they will want to do something about it if they can. If you get caught at some point, expect them to have a file on you ready and waiting - it will happen, trust me.
The third thing is remain level headed. Today's news is tomorrows chip paper and we've seen it all before with those that get their 15 minutes of fame on-line or in the papers or whatever. Sure you'll get your appearances in the papers, those few interviews about what you do and you'll make a few quid in the process, but eventually the media will get bored and you'll then be scratching your head with what to do next. It won't last forever, trust me on that one.
The one thing myself or anyone cannot say is what you're doing is out and out wrong because at the end of the day it is your choice what you do with your stuff. I know you find most places off your own back, but I also know you have asked certain people in the community for information on things before which prior to now has been fairly forthcoming. It's this sort of information source that will dry up as no one want's to give you information on their worked out access to somewhere in order for you to blast it all over YouTube or whatever you choose to do, it's quite disrespectful and it will make people treat you with trepidation.
At the end of the day, your videos are good and what you're doing is great, but the attention it's getting while it probably feels amazing for you right now (and I'm sure it's a bit of a buzz having that sort of attention) is a short term thing and I fear your age and naivety may cause you to end up being taken advantage of by the media and others along the way to extract what they can from you, before spitting you out the other end after they move on to the next big thing, which could then leave you in an awkward position.
I guess it depends what you want at the end of the day, but make your choices wisely all I say.
Also forget the 'tit for tat' arguments regarding theft and stuff, that's an entirely separate issue and doesn't even enter into this debate in the slightest.
Lets deconstruct this a bit and ignore the silly issues like making money etc.
I've met you DL and the one thing you have against you is naivety because of your age and experience. This comes across in some of the comments you have made on this thread. Now what I would urge you to do is take a look at what you're doing, but not what you're doing immediately, think about what you might be doing in the next year 2 years 3 years etc. do you have any ambitions with your hobby or is this just a flash in the pan for you which you'll then move onto the next big thing after you've got bored?
The reason I ask this is for several reasons. One being if you have any ambition what-so-ever to pursue this hobby to a different level, what you're doing now will do you no favours. You will get shunned by a large proportion of the community that have been doing this sort of thing for years because generally speaking we don't like hordes of attention, it only leads to bad things happening which has been proven time and time again. This probably doesn't affect you much now, but what if you wanted to travel to somewhere else than London to do your stuff, you'd need to network and that is always easier when you're part of something rather than being the outsider.
The second thing to consider is drawing a large amount of attention to what you're doing (bearing in mind the hobby skirts round the edge of the law) is not necessarily a good idea. Think Matthew Adams and criminal behaviour orders and you kinda get what I'm saying - this could well happen to you if you're not careful because, quite frankly, you're embarrassing the authorities and they will want to do something about it if they can. If you get caught at some point, expect them to have a file on you ready and waiting - it will happen, trust me.
The third thing is remain level headed. Today's news is tomorrows chip paper and we've seen it all before with those that get their 15 minutes of fame on-line or in the papers or whatever. Sure you'll get your appearances in the papers, those few interviews about what you do and you'll make a few quid in the process, but eventually the media will get bored and you'll then be scratching your head with what to do next. It won't last forever, trust me on that one.
The one thing myself or anyone cannot say is what you're doing is out and out wrong because at the end of the day it is your choice what you do with your stuff. I know you find most places off your own back, but I also know you have asked certain people in the community for information on things before which prior to now has been fairly forthcoming. It's this sort of information source that will dry up as no one want's to give you information on their worked out access to somewhere in order for you to blast it all over YouTube or whatever you choose to do, it's quite disrespectful and it will make people treat you with trepidation.
At the end of the day, your videos are good and what you're doing is great, but the attention it's getting while it probably feels amazing for you right now (and I'm sure it's a bit of a buzz having that sort of attention) is a short term thing and I fear your age and naivety may cause you to end up being taken advantage of by the media and others along the way to extract what they can from you, before spitting you out the other end after they move on to the next big thing, which could then leave you in an awkward position.
I guess it depends what you want at the end of the day, but make your choices wisely all I say.

Also forget the 'tit for tat' arguments regarding theft and stuff, that's an entirely separate issue and doesn't even enter into this debate in the slightest.