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Lead or Rumour info - Vauxhall HQ Luton


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Former corporate HQ of Vauxhall in Luton, Griffin House, closed in 2019. Planning stuff going through to demolish it and build warehouses on the site. Might just be stripped offices but considering it was the headquarters of Vauxhall cars for thirty years it might have some interesting stuff in it



Originally called ‘AJ-Block’, the Osborne Road premises opened in 1964, when it was declared, ‘…one of the most effective examples of industrial architecture in Britain.’ It was built to house Vauxhall’s Engineering and Styling Centre, which had industry-leading capability to take vehicles from ‘sketch to production’ for more than two decades.

In 1991, the building was refreshed and re-named Griffin House, to accommodate Vauxhall’s head office staff. It was opened by HRH Princess Anne, and while the teams working there have ebbed and flowed over the years, their underlying passion, diligence and passion has contributed to 8.7 million Vauxhall sales, making a total of 14.3 million units sold since the building was first operational.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Hey the building used to be very easily accessible with the front door just being open however now the security has increased they now have dog units on site I believe to be 24/7 the building is massive with three main staircases that can take you too the roof, theres rooms filled with all kinds of random stuff for example theres one room just full of old monitors on the floor, however there are some parts of the building which seem to be fairly damaged with the roof falling down but except from that the building is basically in mint condition with loads of documents about the buildings past



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