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Report - - Palace Hotel Grounds, Torquay, Autumn 2018 | Leisure Sites | Page 5 |

Report - Palace Hotel Grounds, Torquay, Autumn 2018

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@Lost Property
28DL Full Member
Been a few times never came face to face with the security guard or been detected. Don’t think there is a dog but I know the route the guard takes and there’s only one so it’s easy to sneak round the grounds through a number of entrances. Mostly been in the lower gardens, play ground, tennis courts and the private entrance to walls hill ( a big field on a hill) but not inside because it’s all borded up and don’t wanna risk it because of the cameras. Haven’t been for a while because a group of people from my sixth form went and there was loads of legging it because the guard came and shouted at them and I was hesitant to go back for fear of tighter security. But don’t think there a security dogs, Hope this helps
Thanks for the info, so much different reports from people who got in easy to people frog marched out. So I've never actually tried. Need to though. Even just the grounds look really photogenic


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Update 14-04-20, and they're at it now, no lockdown for demo at the Pal-Arse!




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