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Report - The Palace Hotel - Torquay (March 2020)

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Awesome report @Fluffy think everyone in the bay wanted to get in here since it closed and as far as I can see you are the first one to do it, I got to see the out buildings but couldn't find a way into the hotel, great story too! Impressed
Well, what can I say about this...


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
All this being demolished as we type...




28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Thank you very much guys.

Splorex - That's a lush picture of the bar. It's heartbreaking to see it in both the conditions than you and I saw it in. Easy to see how, in its day, the place would have been stunning, and now, it's a mess.
It was quite sad, wandering around, because every room contained at least 1 or 2 'lot' tags which were attached to various bits of furniture.
Yeah I know, tiz all a blimin shame and a disgrace, can even spot at least 3 'LOT' stickers in that pic, wonder where the baby grand ended up? Even the bloody condiments had their own LOT No's! Another room here awaiting the wrecking ball...


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Well, I'd best get over my nostalgic emotions and let them put up another soulless glass and chrome box which I'm sure the rich and stupid will flock to!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Yes @Splorex we all wanted to get in and have a look around here didn't we, well I suppose you did, still wish I had got to the auction, haven't seen you on here for ages though!
Quote 'I spose you did' well I did when it was open but I do confess to stealing some of those pix from some shitty FB group as I never went to the auction myself, nothing worth buying anyway, should've gone and picked up a souvenir menu and engraved plate but I'll live without! Have you seen the room of a thousand Henrys?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Quote 'I spose you did' well I did when it was open but I do confess to stealing some of those pix from some shitty FB group as I never went to the auction myself, nothing worth buying anyway, should've gone and picked up a souvenir menu and engraved plate but I'll live without! Have you seen the room of a thousand Henrys?
No what is that, at the Palace you mean?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Awesome report @Fluffy think everyone in the bay wanted to get in here since it closed and as far as I can see you are the first one to do it, I got to see the out buildings but couldn't find a way into the hotel, great story too! Impressed

Thank you mate, much appreciated.

Good effort, well put together :thumb

Thanks Ojay :)

All this being demolished as we type...

Those interior shots are heartbreaking to see. It really was so beautiful. And so much has gone to waste. Cracking pictures though.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This is what happens when governments allow Johnny Foreigner to purchase British property. No interest in local amenities , history or heritage but just profit. The act of foreign investors should be curtailed like they are in Germany. It is disgusting to see this waste of a beautiful building and it is very offending to it being raised to the ground for greed.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Twas that report everyone was waiting for and at the same time probably the one that most wanted to do! Excellent job! (I had a double fail but the externals do compensate a fair bit!) Also, because it has so much history there are a lot of archives, this being one of my faves, (wind it forward to 6.00), I present you, Sid James, Val Doonigan and Arthur Askey playing golf at The Palace...

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