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Report - Palace Hotel Grounds, Torquay, Autumn 2018

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@Lost Property
28DL Full Member
Tragic to see the old place like this. The Palace was a family haunt as my aunt knew the Hands family. Winnie Hands lived opposite the hotel and we would visit her as kids. They were a wealthy family but Winnie was always very careful with her cash. She would send over to the hotel every morning for the papers as she was too mean to buy them. As a child I was fascinated by the face of her watch. It was made entirely of diamonds.

My aunt was a fire watcher during the war there. The roofs are flat and could be accessed by a little door (that was never locked) at the top of one of the central staircases.

The Palace was once the place to be. I have photographs of my aunt at grand occasions in ball gowns drinking cocktails and dancing to big bands.

Many happy memories of an amazing hotel. Towards the end it had faded but standards were always important. The gardens and golf course were always beautiful.
I've only been in torbay a year and it immediately hit me how big the hotel was in comparison to the catchment area, as its not actually in Torquay. Was it ever full?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Tragic to see the old place like this. The Palace was a family haunt as my aunt knew the Hands family. Winnie Hands lived opposite the hotel and we would visit her as kids. They were a wealthy family but Winnie was always very careful with her cash. She would send over to the hotel every morning for the papers as she was too mean to buy them. As a child I was fascinated by the face of her watch. It was made entirely of diamonds.

My aunt was a fire watcher during the war there. The roofs are flat and could be accessed by a little door (that was never locked) at the top of one of the central staircases.

The Palace was once the place to be. I have photographs of my aunt at grand occasions in ball gowns drinking cocktails and dancing to big bands.

Many happy memories of an amazing hotel. Towards the end it had faded but standards were always important. The gardens and golf course were always beautiful.
I agree, there was (and still is) some sort of magic about the place that places like the Imperial or the Grand will never match, and coupled with all the winding paths down to Anstey's Cove, and the Bishop's walk, a playground for all ages and walks of life, so sad, I really hope that the developers are sympathetic with it, and hopefully read all these posts! Us lot may not have the dosh to save it but at least we maybe able to help guide them in the right direction...fingers crossed, and oh, peace!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I know I won't resist going for another reccy soon, I'm not going to barge in this time but wait for secca to turn up (hopefully the understanding chap with the black beard) and ask if they have studied this post and all it's comments, should certainly give us lot an improved reputation! Maybe they'll give in a bit and arrange a special Urbexer's Open Day! (like a sort of mass permission visit!). Some snaps I did take, didn't think they were worthy of a report so I'll tag them onto here if that's ok!











28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nasty looking plans for the old tennis courts, don't look very 'affordable' to me, at least the main hotel building should survive, despite losing the entire north west wing which include(d) the indoor pool and workshops, looks like that'll be flattened and used as parking (why not convert the existing buildings and use the tennis courts as parking? Much cheaper and less destructive...


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I know it seems a shame not to be able crack this one but, things could be a lot worse, if the Palace was a free-for-all it would most likely end up like the Edgcumbe Hotel in Newquay which rapidly went from this,
to this,
not just a mess but also somewhere I wouldn't wanna go now due some rather nasty sounding junkie squatters that moved in...
Coz that's what happens when you don't have Secca, guess the buyers of the Edgcumbe assumed they could just knock it down but Cornwall Council said no, bet they wish they'd got secca in now!!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I suppose if it's their home now they get pissed off with visitors taking photos all the time, but yeah know what you mean, would rather it was looked after in the hope we get a chance to have a look round one day rather than it gets completely trashed, there's not much fun walking round some of these old hotels where you're basically photographing a rubbish dump
When I watched a (ahem) YouTube vid of some urbexers in the Edgcumbe, made sometime between it's mintness and it's total demise, already the squatters had moved in, which I have nothing against, been homeless myself, but when people suddenly come across a huge choice of immaculate rooms with beds already made, even tea and coffee ready to make, and ensuite bathrooms, why oh why do they have to piss and shit on the carpet, chuck everything about, smash everything in sight etc., I would have offered a free hotel sitting service if it was me...


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
When I watched a (ahem) YouTube vid of some urbexers in the Edgcumbe, made sometime between it's mintness and it's total demise, already the squatters had moved in, which I have nothing against, been homeless myself, but when people suddenly come across a huge choice of immaculate rooms with beds already made, even tea and coffee ready to make, and ensuite bathrooms, why oh why do they have to piss and shit on the carpet, chuck everything about, smash everything in sight etc., I would have offered a free hotel sitting service if it was me...
...and put a sign up, 'Under New Management, only £20 per room per night!'


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
@Splorex Hey some interesting additional stuff there, I didn't get down to the lower gardens because someone was there walking around (not sure what they were doing but they weren't security I don't think). In your second to last photo what is that single level building with the iron staircase going up it? The one down towards the fountain. It definitely is such an interesting place and yes like you say has that something about it, I'll look at the plans later, the last I saw they were thinking of knocking the whole thing down so that must be an improvement if most of it is staying, there was a large extension added to it so maybe this is the bit suggested for demolition? And you're right there's a good number of people who would be gutted to see it go, and although security don't make exploring easy at least they're doing a good job in stopping it ending up like the Shedden Hall


@Lost Property
28DL Full Member
When I watched a (ahem) YouTube vid of some urbexers in the Edgcumbe, made sometime between it's mintness and it's total demise, already the squatters had moved in, which I have nothing against, been homeless myself, but when people suddenly come across a huge choice of immaculate rooms with beds already made, even tea and coffee ready to make, and ensuite bathrooms, why oh why do they have to piss and shit on the carpet, chuck everything about, smash everything in sight etc., I would have offered a free hotel sitting service if it was me...
Always wondered the same. Even if it means heading to a cafe or shop when you want a shit. It's like they want to live in filth.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Please don't tell me it's due for demolition, would be shameful! Great pics too,


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
@Splorex Hey some interesting additional stuff there, I didn't get down to the lower gardens because someone was there walking around (not sure what they were doing but they weren't security I don't think). In your second to last photo what is that single level building with the iron staircase going up it? The one down towards the fountain. It definitely is such an interesting place and yes like you say has that something about it, I'll look at the plans later, the last I saw they were thinking of knocking the whole thing down so that must be an improvement if most of it is staying, there was a large extension added to it so maybe this is the bit suggested for demolition? And you're right there's a good number of people who would be gutted to see it go, and although security don't make exploring easy at least they're doing a good job in stopping it ending up like the Shedden Hall
Weirdly enough when I was looking over the fots when I got home, I asked the same thing, me thinks possibly an old icehouse, sort of thing a complex like that would prob have had back in the day, although prob re-purposed now but the exterior remaining the same, def looks icehousey, time for a re-visit, if only to answer your question! (any excuse:))


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I'm a member of a closed FB group called 'Torquay in Pictures', jeez what a bunch of narrow minded shite that is, no wonder the Palace is under threat, it's not the people who visit, it's the sad, end of life morons that move there, like the 'good for the economy' brigade who would rather see it go the same way as the Palm Court, a curvy plastic thing rather than 100+ years of history, feck em...


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I think this was very well done drone footage, liking the music too! Palace starts to appear at around 3 mins, enjoy!

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