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Report - Palace Hotel Grounds, Torquay, Autumn 2018

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I think this was very well done drone footage, liking the music too! Palace starts to appear at around 3 mins, enjoy!
See! Not all of Torquay is a complete shithole (yet), you just have to know where to look, and this drone did! When it goes back to the coast after the Palace bit, does that sticky outy bit look like a giant crocodile to you or did I take some particularly strong acid that time?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Haha not at all, thanks for filling the gaps, was going to go and have a look at the lower garden but there was someone walking around down there near that wooden bear so after doing the swimming pool we snuck of round the other side unnoticed, but your photo looks like it was taken around the same time as ours, maybe it was you we saw?! :cool::oops:
Yo! I seem to have struck gold! Just found these pics taken by some guy who went along to the auction viewing, this is mental, the place just seems to get bigger the more pics I see!






























28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
See! Not all of Torquay is a complete shithole (yet), you just have to know where to look, and this drone did! When it goes back to the coast after the Palace bit, does that sticky outy bit look like a giant crocodile to you or did I take some particularly strong acid that time?
Haha yeah that's def a giant croc, it's actually called Long Quarry, but yeah it look so overly when not you see it like that doesn't it, I used to swim off that larger beach, think it's called Redgate but it's been closed for nearly 20 years now since the cliff began collapsing, useful to have an aerial view of the hotel too, someone's done us a good job there!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
@Splorex good find! I heard about that sale and meant to go but summat came up so gutted I missed it, wouldn't have minded a little souvenir from the Palace and it may have been an excellent opportunity to "get lost" and have a little look around the place, and yeah like you say it is a fair old size isn't it


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
@Splorex good find! I heard about that sale and meant to go but summat came up so gutted I missed it, wouldn't have minded a little souvenir from the Palace and it may have been an excellent opportunity to "get lost" and have a little look around the place, and yeah like you say it is a fair old size isn't it
Thanks mate! Glad someone has mutual interest in the place, I thought for a bit that people were starting to get bored of all my posts, seeing as I haven't yet submitted a 'proper' report, so I was just about to ease up on the Palace and then, bingo! those pics popped up! PS, fancy this as a profile pic or whatever?



28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Haha yeah that's def a giant croc, it's actually called Long Quarry, but yeah it look so overly when not you see it like that doesn't it, I used to swim off that larger beach, think it's called Redgate but it's been closed for nearly 20 years now since the cliff began collapsing, useful to have an aerial view of the hotel too, someone's done us a good job there!
According to the sign, Redgate sounds like the one! Love this pic!



28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
@Splorex good find! I heard about that sale and meant to go but summat came up so gutted I missed it, wouldn't have minded a little souvenir from the Palace and it may have been an excellent opportunity to "get lost" and have a little look around the place, and yeah like you say it is a fair old size isn't it
Tell Adzitude to wake up and come and see the new pics! Carrot to a donkey this lot!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Thanks mate! Glad someone has mutual interest in the place, I thought for a bit that people were starting to get bored of all my posts, seeing as I haven't yet submitted a 'proper' report, so I was just about to ease up on the Palace and then, bingo! those pics popped up! PS, fancy this as a profile pic or whatever?

Haha yes that is the picture! Yeah I should change it to that, and no mate, never get bored of a bit of chat from the Bay


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Thought I'd post this interesting inside info, prob give secca a giggle! "What actually happened at the Palace started with a massive acid party in the ballroom, then, around 3am on a full moon night, everyone started stripping off naked and running down to the beach, one of them armed with an 80's ghetto blaster on his/her shoulder, then after, while the embers of the fire were burning down and the sun was arising, someone shrieked, "Shit! Look everybody, a giant fucking crocodile!!", nobody has returned to the hotel since..."

Davey E

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I stayed at this hotel in the 1970,s with my family and loved the place as a youngster, Fun place with beautiful grounds, swimming pool, golf and tennis.
Today i by chance did a google search as i thought it would be nice to go back and take my wife for a nice break. I was shocked and saddened to see the hotel has closed down and bought by property speculators in Singapore!!
I am surprised the local council and civic society seem to have rolled over with no opposition!! Heartbreaking!


28DL Member
28DL Member
Nice explore mate. I hear different things as to access into the Palace. But the grounds look nice enough as they are. You didn't see/hear the infamous security dogs? :)

Been a few times never came face to face with the security guard or been detected. Don’t think there is a dog but I know the route the guard takes and there’s only one so it’s easy to sneak round the grounds through a number of entrances. Mostly been in the lower gardens, play ground, tennis courts and the private entrance to walls hill ( a big field on a hill) but not inside because it’s all borded up and don’t wanna risk it because of the cameras. Haven’t been for a while because a group of people from my sixth form went and there was loads of legging it because the guard came and shouted at them and I was hesitant to go back for fear of tighter security. But don’t think there a security dogs, Hope this helps

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