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Report - Pocock Brothers Padded Cell - Haslar Psychiatric Block - Nov 2014

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28DL Full Member
I feel I must apologise for myself and and on behalf of every other fake explorer who followed in your footsteps to explore haslar and for not finding the padded cell, and also for boring everyone with photos already posted by you,,, it's funny but myself & top cat was there a month or so ago exploring these out buildings, we didn't have the fortune to stumble across the cell but then again we didn't have a nice heads up about it a week or so before.

I respect you as a "explorer" and your threads are always interesting, there's no harm in a bit of banter, competition, pushing the limits etc and new stuff is always good to see, unfortunately the way you've put yourself across in your thread has made you sound (in my opinion) someone that's right up there own arse and drunk on self importance, which I'm sure is not what you intended ?

I don't mind tourist explores and certainly wouldn't slate anyone who just does that, I'm also aware of the feeling of finding something new and untouched, it's each to there own, end of the day it's a hobby.


away with the fairies
28DL Full Member
Sorry I couldn't be bothered reading 7 pages but how lovely to see photos of another Pocock padded cell. I remember the first time I saw the West Park one and it was blinking lovely, to see another one now after so long is really very cool.


Mr Muscle
28DL Full Member
For a brief interlude, I simply had to do this...


Sorry all :D


Staff member
I'm probably going to regret this, but here goes...

There are probably many things amongst this fiasco that could catapult further and deeper debate about this silly hobby

A couple of things stick out for me, the first one being this whole tourist nonsense, sure we all ridicule each other from time to time both on and off-line regarding this, but the fact remains we all have been down this route on occasions and in many cases is really just banter..

There is only one person who I can think of EVER that can be excluded from that

Now, whilst there is nothing wrong from time to time of having a look at what others have turned up, the point that Speed was trying to put across is more the fact that a great majority of people do nothing other than tourism

I personally don't see a problem with this, and ultimately if people are enjoying poking about with their mates and/or taking pics of said locations then happy days

Yes it would be nice if people made more of an effort, but sadly not everyone is motivated to go out and piss about wasting time and money looking for new stuff the length & breadth of this country

The second point being THIS

Another pretty stark reflection of this is that the interesting and creative heads of the scene a few years ago that used to dominate everything have gotten sick of it and just stopped posting

A crying shame that is, however I can fully understand why many people have become insular

Personally, I enjoy underground stuff; drains in case anyone hasn't noticed is something I like to explore, this I do because I'm a nosey bugger and like to understand how systems work

No fucks are given if nobody comments or sticks a thumb up my arse for the occasional thread I stick up on the subject and I expect nothing in return either

Furthermore, when I first started exploring I managed to ruffle a few feathers, mainly because I was too eager, and in the early day's mithering too much instead of getting stuck in with research and was casted out on the back of my actions, and rightly so at the time! (Apologies, you know who you are :))

I bounced back, learning from my mistakes and this spurred me on to actually 'explore' new stuff and to carry on doing what I enjoy, and to some extent still do, although I find myself with less time on my hands these days

I've also been fortunate enough to have seen some places I wouldn't have otherwise seen if it wasn't for the work and risk taking of others, and I'm happy to acknowledge that fact and credit people where it's due also

Some truly amazing people have been met along the way and without said 'silly hobby' probably would never have done so, it continues to be an eye opener for sure!

Anyway, I digress, Urban Exploration, Urbex, 'Sploring or what other silly label people wish to attach to this hobby is many things on different levels to all concerned and far be it for anyone of us to judge

HDR/GAZ MASGS/COCO THE CLOWN - Sure we ridicule these people, but really they enjoy what they do and are happy with the processed photatoes they produce and share, no problem with that

BOLT CROPPING CREW - Again, everyone is accountable for their actions, we don't condone it, but let's be honest a good number of us have benefited over the years from this, again no problem

MEDIA WHORES - Controversial, but as far as I'm concerned it happens, will continue to happen so we really ought to get over it and let people get on with that also, despite what many of us think

These day's I'd rather just go out and piss about, meeting people here and there whether it be in drains or in some mine or boozer consuming alcohol and listening to tales of what really goes on from the few people I have any time for these day's

The only people I will ever have beef with is the people that come on here spouting shyte every time something controversial such as this thread pops up, it's not necessary and simply have no time for it

(Keep it constructive or don't bother posting at all!)

What I do have time for is each and everyone of you who has contributed here past and present, no matter what type of epic or shit hole, if you enjoy it, keep doing it :)

Everyone has their own boundaries and are often limited either because of experience or maybe their chosen career, whatever

I invest much of my spare time behind the scenes here helping new people when they struggle cobbling a report together. I also put more than my share of time in keeping the place ticking over too, which largely is a thankless task, however I see this as a way of giving something back. The amount of shit being a forum Administrator also brings often leaves me questioning why, the truth is I'm passionate about what each and everyone of you do and long may it continue...

I can't vouch for the rest of the stuff Speed talks about, and if anyone is labouring under the misapprehension he gives a crap either then you'd be wrong also :p:




Irregular User
28DL Full Member
Aside from some of the more 'tourist' explores I've done, even before I started meeting people from the forum and learning to look at more than just the leisurely derps, I tried to find new stuff. Granted some/most of it is average at best and I may be the only one posting photos of them, but the effort is there. I personally find a mix of new and tourist to keep me happy.

In terms of the sites that have been doing the rounds for years, I imagine for the more seasoned explorers yes, it's repetitive seeing them pop up all the time but surely that makes you think 'I'm glad I got in there when I did because now it's been smashed to shit.' The reports the lesser experienced explorers post should act as a reminder that for some sites you were one of the first, if nothing else.


Irregular User
28DL Full Member
What I do have time for is each and everyone of you who has contributed here past and present, no matter what type of epic or shit hole, if you enjoy it, keep doing it :)

the truth is I'm passionate about what each and everyone of you do and long may it continue...


Oxygen Thief

Staff member
In terms of the sites that have been doing the rounds for years, I imagine for the more seasoned explorers yes, it's repetitive seeing them pop up all the time but surely that makes you think 'I'm glad I got in there when I did because now it's been smashed to shit.' The reports the lesser experienced explorers post should act as a reminder that for some sites you were one of the first, if nothing else.

It's one way to look at it.

But like Speed says, let's have something back (not you in particular, just in general).

The second most used comment about 28DL (the first being what a bunch of thieving vandal irresponsible unsafe c***s we are) is "saw it on 28DL" etc etc. It's easy to do your research here because of our naming sites policy, and it's just as easy to post a report or a lead to reciprocate.

Oxygen Thief

Staff member
You nailed it there Ojay. I can't string sentences together like that so I'm going to take a couple of yours...

What I do have time for is each and everyone of you who has contributed here past and present, no matter what type of epic or shit hole, if you enjoy it, keep doing it

I invest much of my spare time behind the scenes here helping new people when they struggle cobbling a report together. I also put more than my share of time in keeping the place ticking over too, which largely is a thankless task, however I see this as a way of giving something back. The amount of shit being a forum Administrator also brings often leaves me questioning why, the truth is I'm passionate about what each and everyone of you do and long may it continue...

... and I'd like to say, that's very well put and I totally know where you are coming from. We don't do this for our benefit. It gives us no status or privileges, in fact the opposite.

There's a big difference between 'old school' explorers and the majority of the 'new' explorers. I'm not going to labour on that, everyone is welcome and should be given assistance within the norms. But the people that have been doing this since the 2000s or even earlier just tend to know the score a bit better. I dunno, it's hard to explain and some other guys site report isn't really the place. Maybe we should make a place.


Mr Muscle
28DL Full Member
The second most used comment about 28DL (the first being what a bunch of thieving vandal irresponsible unsafe c***s we are) is "saw it on 28DL" etc etc.

I bumped into an elderly explorer one time on his way in to a place as I was exiting (yep, on the tour bus :p: ) & one of the first things he asked was "You're not on 28 are you?". Intrigued by the way he asked, I didn't reply straight away. He then went on to say he was expecting an easy way in as he'd seen it on here & someone from here would've smashed it wide open. Next question was how to get inside. I'm not sure he would've managed the climb through the open window I pointed out, he certainly was apprehensive about it, but then I wasn't going to tell him about the wide open door after that was I? :p:

Hand, feeds, bite, fuck off! :D


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
I feel I must apologise for myself and and on behalf of every other fake explorer who followed in your footsteps to explore haslar and for not finding the padded cell, and also for boring everyone with photos already posted by you,,, it's funny but myself & top cat was there a month or so ago exploring these out buildings, we didn't have the fortune to stumble across the cell but then again we didn't have a nice heads up about it a week or so before.

I respect you as a "explorer" and your threads are always interesting, there's no harm in a bit of banter, competition, pushing the limits etc and new stuff is always good to see, unfortunately the way you've put yourself across in your thread has made you sound (in my opinion) someone that's right up there own arse and drunk on self importance, which I'm sure is not what you intended ?

I don't mind tourist explores and certainly wouldn't slate anyone who just does that, I'm also aware of the feeling of finding something new and untouched, it's each to there own, end of the day it's a hobby.

Your not around much any more but i seem to remember you doing some good stuff in the past. You certainly qualify as a 'real explorer' mate so i should rethink taking any offence to this. Only thing i would say is it would have been nice to see some photos from other parts of the hospital. Its the lack of anything new from the place being posted up that really annoyed me, i thought it was just because it was super secure. When we found the cell i realised this wasnt the case and it just sticks out like a sore thumb to me as a perfect example of what i hate about UE these days.

If people out there seriously think its ok to just take take take then i dont want anything to do with them


Mr Muscle
28DL Full Member
I only put my fairly worthless view forward on this thread as even I can see there's been a massive missed opportunity here. Over the past couple of years all the talk about this place was more led by a sense of oneupmanship as people posted about making several visits without being caught, whilst others got busted. Some of these people are capable of doing some good research and I would've expected to see this cell by now. We may even have got to see the makers plate and the fact we haven't, is a bit of a shame really. And believe me, if you can find someone on here less interested in a padded cell than me, I'll fly them over here and buy them drinks all night, so if I think some aspects of the scene are in a bit of a sorry state based on it, maybe there is something obvious.

But this is just one site, there's tons of places dotted all over the country that are explorable. They may be live or semi-live sites, mothballed sites, but still absolutely doable with enough planning and they get shunned by the vast majority. There's no massive secret to it, use a bit of sense, read other reports for clues on how you may get on site unnoticed. Think a bit outside the box and go out there tearing a new one into the established people. Everybody will have somewhere within an hour of home they can do this in England so open those eyes & go out to show us what we're all probably missing :thumb

This won't be for everyone, and nor should any person feel obliged to try, but if 1 person in every 50 people doing this now over all social media, stepped up, we'd see a load more new places.

Most of all though, stay safe and have good times wherever you go :thumb

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