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Report - - Pocock Brothers Padded Cell - Haslar Psychiatric Block - Nov 2014 | Noteworthy Reports | Page 10 |

Report - Pocock Brothers Padded Cell - Haslar Psychiatric Block - Nov 2014

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Chillin at the structure
Regular User
Wow, bit late but what a goldmine of scene discourse. Don't mean to dig up any hatchets, but tourism isn't always shit in capital letters... At no point have i thought ah damn, I would love to see an institution from a bygone era of healthcare history the likes of which will never be seen again but there's no point because >0 people have been there after it closed. Or that going to the most dead end corner of Thurso's sewer system will be worth it just because the feeling that nobody else unofficial has since it was built is going to validate my enjoyment of this hobby any more than otherwise. I'm sure I speak on behalf of many regarded as accomplished in the game. With that said never striving to uncover something different is poor effort from those that dedicate their entire hobby-life to urbexing, but for more casual indulgers (which is most of the scene tbh) it's so rare a reward for so much work just for the bragging rights of I was here first.


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Ha, actually its interesting to revisit this one, especially as i can read all the deleted posts you lot cant. This thread only really tells a fraction of the story now which is a bit sad. Its doesn't tell anything about the inter-forum backstabbing going on at the time. We slipped up and managed to tell the wrong person about it before we had actually been there. Word got through to people who hated us so much they had to warn security we were coming and try and make sure it got sealed up and us caught (they got the wrong date tho lol). Apparently it was security that removed the makers plate for safe keeping in the end. (I thought a good outcome really but where is it now??). Then there were the people (same ones i think) who, after we got in anyway, thought they would try and frame us for stealing it lol. It all got a bit complex working out what had even gone on for a while. The fact i had posted such provocative things on here about it at the same time (unknowing of the above) really put the cat amongst the pigeons. I still get shit today from people who cant accept the way it all panned out or are still living the wrong version of events..

The UE world has changed since this tho. The tourist thing is still a big issue but there are a lot more active explorers out there now. A lot more people looking and finding. The problem now is we have done it all. As far as i can see the supply is drying up, decent new places are few and far between and an ever growing number of the non-explorer 'tourists' wanting to visit them causes a lot of friction. I kind of regret posting this thread nowadays (or at least using some of the phrases i did), ive learnt not to claim firsts or say i found anything anymore. Theres always someone ready to crop up out of the woodwork and say they were in there months ago but just 'hadnt posted' or whatever. Nowadays i realise its the contribution to the community that matters more than literally 'being first' in somewhere. Our biggest problem today is that far too many people are taking, and not giving. If a decent place does crop up its swamped. Doesn't matter if people are actually exploring and keeping secrets or if they are just on the tourbus every weekend, if you share something with the community you kind of earn the right to be on that tourbus to the next good thing. If you never share anything, yet are always on that same bus then your the problem as far as i can see. Its a slightly different problem and a more refined outlook on the solution i guess. Still people pour scorn on you for having the nerve to point out the obvious tho :rolleyes:
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Xexxa the red
@Speed as much we don’t get on, the plate from the cell is in safekeeping. Aside from a tip off that you were going there was also information that some rather high up members off this site were going in to nab it, and did actually attempt to do so.


28DL Full Member
Definitely looks like my cup of tea! Photos are too light for something that would have such a dark feel to it, but that's just my opinion, all of my photos are grungy that's just my style I suppose. Nice report and a very interesting read!


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
@Speed as much we don’t get on, the plate from the cell is in safekeeping. Aside from a tip off that you were going there was also information that some rather high up members off this site were going in to nab it, and did actually attempt to do so.

Yes, thats what i mean, they were 'tipped off' that we were supposedly going there to steal this plate. Saved us that dilemma at least!


Chillin at the structure
Regular User
As far as i can see the supply is drying up, decent new places are few and far between and an ever growing number of the non-explorer 'tourists' wanting to visit them causes a lot of friction.



Chillin at the structure
Regular User
Our biggest problem today is that far too many people are taking, and not giving. If a decent place does crop up its swamped

Oooo yes. Feel that so hard. It's how I've learnt to love a daunting security presence ;) puts off the joyriders, rewards the intrepid.


Chillin at the structure
Regular User
Sorry again to dig this thread up tho, but I do looove a bit of scene debating with the vets


Xexxa the red
Yes, thats what i mean, they were 'tipped off' that we were supposedly going there to steal this plate. Saved us that dilemma at least!

Was only a good thing it was moved. I’m more interested in what happened to the organs.


Staff member
If you can't have a plate, dress as one ;)

The entire Haslar drama was almost the pivotal point in the turn of events that led to a chain reaction across the board, seeing outsiders wanting to be cool and have a piece of the urbex action for themselves, thus tipping the scales in favour of the goons and everything that is now wrong with this silly hobby, these day's it's just a clusterfuck!

Beet Root

Living life through a pie
28DL Full Member
Getting a bit Jeremy Kyle all this. We do this because we enjoy it, its not a religion its a hobby. :thumb

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