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Report - - Pocock Brothers Padded Cell - Haslar Psychiatric Block - Nov 2014 | Noteworthy Reports | Page 11 |

Report - Pocock Brothers Padded Cell - Haslar Psychiatric Block - Nov 2014

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Taliesin Bourne

28DL Full Member
I love the pictures man! Are the makers plates well sought after?

However, a problem with your tirade at so called "urban tourists": although I agree with what you said in part are many people out there traipsing the same corridors and reading the same mildew covered posters, it sometimes cant be helped. More photo worthy sights and the various pictures that accompany them will show up more as they are exactly that... photo worthy. I do agree that people should go out and find their own subject matter more though.

I know for me part of the enjoyment of Urbex is the photography aspect. In turn, this draws me to better looking places thus I'm sure the same can be said for fellow explorers/photographers.


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Yeh, i think they would be one of the most sort after asylum artefacts for collectors (unless you had the whole door as well). In 15 years ive come across one in person (at West Park) and only 3 others including the one here and ones in museums or collections..

As a side note i actually heard some more info on the Haslar plate a few months back. A guy was claiming it is no longer at Haslar and now resides in Ireland with the owner of the security company that was responsible for looking after the place. (Presumably they dont anymore?) Either way if thats true it just goes to prove if you dont steal it when you see it someone else will even if its the security guard themselves!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
My wife was a nurse here in 1969-70 and lived in G Block. The girls all knew that the building had been an asylum years before. The outside line 'public' telephone was in an alcove outside the cell which was always locked as far as she remembers. The next blocks to the south were far more interesting as they had been a 'zymotic' or infectious diseases hospital. A long covered corridor linked from the offices down to 'Z' block which had 2 double storied wards Z1 Z2 Z3 & Z4. Z1 had individual cubicles and was used to treat patients with Tuberculosis. Z2 was an open ward. Z3 & 4 were eventually turned over to nurses accomodation by the early 1970's. I was administrator for Z block then. The morgue was in the old pathology block by the water tower, had a huge dickensian key and 6 shelves.

tatyr raker

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I worked there too. It was my first professional job, and though I've seen quite a few of my previous workplaces cropping up here in varying states of dereliction, Haslar was an epic place to work, and the pictures bring it all back.
It was before digital cameras were around, but I will have a dig around to see if I have anything with sharing. My first office was near the oval staircase.

tatyr raker

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Bah! Seems I do not have any good pics, only ones of my workmates having lunch outside on sunny days. Mind, it would have been pretty disapproved of to go round taking pics of the buildings, I was at work there on 9/11 and security was as tight as a gnats arse, for all the plebs who worked there.

Max Girth

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
There was a dismantled pocock brothers in in the basement of Greylingwell, along with another newer one.
Also the remains of 4 others in the villas as Harperbury.
Sadly the Greylingwell one was beyond saving :(


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Supposedly Lancaster Moor Asylum had padded cells, but think they were knocked down before anyone explored the place.

Max Girth

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I've heard mention of these before. Have you got any photos? Or a link to any photos?

I do on my photo bucket. But I've lost access to that as I've exceeded the amount of pics you're allowed for free and theres no way I'm going to pay for it.
Some were posted on the Facebook page a few years back too

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