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Question - - Have you ever been caught trying to sneak into a place? | General Exploring Chat Forum | Page 4 |

Question - Have you ever been caught trying to sneak into a place?


I got caught over in the back end of Viagon Medical in Swindon. Secca bloke had a huge Alsatian with him so I tried to hide in one of the two buildings, which was about as much use as a chocolate fireguard given it's a massive open site and he had likely seen me anyway. He waltzed in a couple minutes later and asked me what I was doing, so I explained I was having a mooch for some decent shots (place is about as interesting as drying paint in fairness) and he just replied 'alright shag, crack on'. I asked about the dog and he said 'don't worry about him, he's scared of his own f*cking shadow'!


28DL Member
28DL Member
Been waved at by security a few times a couple of years ago when approaching St. John's for a revisit, but the closest we've been to actually getting caught mid-explore was at Nocton Hall a few years back.

As we made our way into the RAF hospital grounds we noticed a black truck parked up near one of the buildings, my friend was going to just walk straight up to it until I mentioned that it looks a little too clean to have been stood there for long. So we made our way around the truck at distance, heading through buildings so that we could get closer to it without being spotted too easily. We were probably about 20ft away looking at the truck through a window, when I spotted a guy walking around it.

I won't lie, I shat my pants a little (female instinct? lol) and quickly moved from the room we were in to the larger adjoining room.... with there being lots of broken tiles and crap on the floor my footsteps were pretty damn loud! The next minute we know the guy is now in said truck with headlights on doing rounds of the building and complex, we had no idea where he was we could just see the headlights flashing from wall to wall.

We just crouched there in the building like sitting ducks for a good half an hour or so, after it had been quiet for a while we legged it straight out of the building and through the fence without even looking for the truck! Fun times!


Read comics and sleep all day, = no worries
28DL Full Member
I tried looking for an abandoned gun battery last year I think it was, got lost on the way and ended up in the wrong location, a university grounds. Secca caught up to to me and escorted me off. He then politely told me not to take rumors seriously; as some people do it to try and get others into trouble just for a joke (It happened to him once as a youngster).


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Met a guy a few years ago who wanted to tag along with me, friend of a friend type thing! One Of the weirdest guys I've met....hardly spoke and wore headphones on an explore! Fair to say when secca came and after about 6 times trying to get his attention he was left..... Not a weird find but definitely a weird explore and showed me to watch who you take if you don't know them!


Read comics and sleep all day, = no worries
28DL Full Member
Met a guy a few years ago who wanted to tag along with me, friend of a friend type thing! One Of the weirdest guys I've met....hardly spoke and wore headphones on an explore! Fair to say when secca came and after about 6 times trying to get his attention he was left..... Not a weird find but definitely a weird explore and showed me to watch who you take if you don't know them!
That is a wise saying that I like to heed.